About Affordables

Haryana Affordable Housing Policy 2013



What is affordable housing?

Affordable housing is housing that is appropriate for the needs of a range of very low to moderate income households and priced so that these households are also able to meet other basic living costs such as food, clothing, transport, medical care and education. As a rule of thumb, housing is usually considered affordable if it costs less than 30 percent of gross household income.

Haryana Affordable Housing Policy 2013

On 19th August 2013, the Governor of Haryana notified a comprehensive Affordable Housing Policy 2013 under the provisions of Section 9A of the Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act, 1975 and any other corresponding statute governing development of group housing colonies on the subject.

The Director General, Town and Country Planning, Haryana, is hereby directed to effectively implement this policy to facilitate creation of additional affordable housing stock in the urban areas of the State.   [Haryana Affordable Housing Policy 2013]

  1. This policy shall be known as „Affordable Housing Policy 2013‟. All references to „policy‟ in this document shall imply to „Affordable Housing Policy 2013‟.
  2. This policy is intended to encourage the planning and completion of „Group Housing Projects‟ wherein apartments of „pre-defined size‟ are made available at „pre-defined rates‟ within a „Targeted time-frame‟ as prescribed under the present policy to ensure increased supply of „Affordable Housing‟ in the urban housing market to the deserving beneficiaries.
  3. Any project for which licence is granted under the present policy cannot be converted into a normal group housing colony under any situation and irrespective of whether or not it falls within the 20% residential sector area limit prescribed for group housing projects.
  4. All such projects shall be required to be necessarily completed within 4 years from the approval of building plans or grant of environmental clearance, whichever is later. This date shall be referred to as the „date of commencement of project‟ for the purpose of this policy. The licences shall not be renewed beyond the said 4 years period from the date of commencement of project.

MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM AREA FOR SUCH PROJECT: The minimum and maximum area for such projects shall be 5 acres and 10 acres respectively irrespective of the Development Plan where such project is proposed.

Eligibility Criteria:
a. Any person can apply but person which includes his/her spouse or his/her dependent children who do not own any flat/plot in any HUDA developed colony/ sector or any licenced colony in any of the Urban Areas in Haryana, UT of Chandigarh and NCT Delhi shall be given first preference in allotment of flats. An applicant in a specific colony shall make only one application. Any successful applicant under this policy shall not be eligible for allotment of any other flat under this policy in any other colony. In case, he/she is successful in more than one colony, he/she will have choice of retain only one flat. All such applicants shall submit an affidavit to this effect.

b. Upto 5% of the total number of flats as approved in the building plans may be allotted by licensee to its employees/ associates/ friends/ relatives etc. subject to the disclosure of their name/address and other identification details to the allotment committee and the allotment procedure for such flats shall also be completed along with the draw of flats for general category flats. The rates and eligibility criteria prescribed under this policy shall
continue to be applicable on such preferential allotments also and the allotment procedure shall be completed along with general category flats. In case less allotments are made for such preferential category flats, the extra availability shall be merged with general
category allotments.

Allotment criteria: The draw for allotment of affordable housing units will be allotted through draw of lots which will be handled by the Deputy Commissioner of the district in which the unit is located.

Allotment Rate :
The maximum allotment rate for the apartment units approved under affordable housing policy would be Rs 4,000 per sq.ft. of carpet area in the development plans of Gurgaon, Fairdabad, Panchkula and Pinjore-Kalka, Rs 3,600 per sq.ft. in the development plans of other high and medium potential towns and Rs 3,000 per sq.ft. in the remaining low potential towns.

Time Period for completion of project:
All affordable housing projects would be required to be necessarily completed within four years from the approval of building plans or grant of environmental clearance, whichever is later. This date would be referred to as the date of commencement of the project and licences would not be renewed beyond four years period from the date of commencement of the project.

Parking Norms:
a. The parking space shall be provided at the rate of half Equivalent Car Space (ECS) for each dwelling unit.
b. Only one two-wheeler parking site shall be earmarked for each flat, which shall be allottedonly to the flat-owners. The parking bay of two-wheelers shall be 0.8m x 2.5m unless otherwise specified in the zoning plan.
c. No car parking shall be allotted to any apartment owner in such projects.
d. The balance available parking space, if any, beyond the allocated two-wheeler parking sites, can be earmarked as free-visitor-car-parking space.
e. Additional parking norms and parameters, if any, can be specified in the zoning plan.

Maintenance service post delivery of project:
As per affordable housing policy the developer will have to maintain the project free of cost for five years, after which a resident association takes over. It is a serious issue with affordable projects that needs to be defined in a better way to get a clear solution.